Can You Download Mac Software On A Pc

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Most of the people in the world have Windows based machine. I also have the same. I am using Windows for about 15 years and I got bored with the same.

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Then I thought of using Mac but those are pretty expensive out here. So I was thinking if we can install Windows on any custom build hardware then why can’t OS X? Then I searched about it on internet a lot and I do found a way to do same too but problem is that all the guides of installing OS X on PC are done with the help of Mac. So if I had Mac then why would install it on anything other.

I have gathered information from various guides and tutorials at internet and prepared an easy and simple method to install OS X on Windows PC without the help of Mac. So follow the guide below if you want to create a hackintosh system.

Note: All the processes can even damage your hardware so be careful and do it on your own risk. Installing Mac OS X on other hardware is against company’s policy unless you bought a retail DVD for the same.


Before we start installing OS X in your PC you need following stuff without which it is impossible to do so.


If you want to install OS X on your PC then you need to have compatible hardware too because this makes the difference in this guide. If you are going to buy a whole new hardware or you want to check whether your hardware is compatible or not then check out this link. It has detailed guide for the same.


You need to buy OS X retail DVD and a blank rewriteable CD.


As you have the required stuff we will now begin with the guide.

Boot Disk

First of all you need to create Boot disk or USB Drive which will allow you to install OS X into a DVD or a USB drive directly. To create the image, use any software available on internet such as the free Unibeast. The Mac program will modify the official OS X installer and then install it on a USB drive. Then you will use the USB drive to run on a PC.

Configure your Bios

Now you need to configure Bios of your system. Enter the Bios setup of your machine. Now you need to alter setting of three categories as shown in picture below.

First head over to Advanced Bios Feature, in that choose first boot option to CDROM. Then in Integrated peripherals, switch the SATA and On-board SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode to AHCI mode. Now in Power management Setup, make HPET mode to 64-Bit.

Install OS X

  • First of all insert the boot USB drive which we created above.
  • As soon as you see this screen, eject the USB drive.
  • Now you can start following instructions and install Mac OS X.
  • If you succeed then language selection option appears. So select the preferred language.
  • Now you we see partition option, click on Utilities then Disk Utility and select your required Drive and click on partition.
  • Give a name to the drive and choose Mac OS Extended as format option.
  • Then you will see “options” click on that and select GUID Partition Table and click on OK.

Boot Loader installation

Now when you will boot your system you will see an error for sure. So insert Boot USB drive which we created above and restart the system. Now you see the option with the same name you gave above. Select that and press enter.

Now after the first setup just go to Safari and download tool named Multibeast. Save it as “DSDT.aml”

Launch Multibeast and do the required settings. It will be different for each system as you will have different hardware for sure. After the whole process, eject Boot USB drive and restart the system. And it’s done.

Now you can enjoy Mac OS X on your Windows PC. So which things you did first after installing Mac OS X. Do tell us in comments below.

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How To Download Mac Files On APC great site for integrating Macs and PeeCees.
hfsutilsallows PeeCee's to read mac 1.4 meg floppies (NOT 800k) Download appson a PeeCee and read them on a Mac.
How to download mac files on a PeeCee.
PDFto Word

Yes, on the same wire,Mac's and Pc's can coexist perfectly.

As for software , you have the followingchoices:

  • If you have a Windows NT server machine, install the fileservices for the Mac and no software on your Macs.
  • Windows NT server or Windows 3.11,95 or 98 or LanManager, install Dave on the Mac to connect to the Windows shares.
  • One Windows machine or more: Install PCMacLan to share/access disks with Mac Machines on each Windows Machine.

And now my favorites ( free software):

  • One Windows 3.11 PC or more, download the free version of PCMacLan for Win 3.11 from
  • If you have some time and an old PC ( any 486 will do ) install Linux on that PC.

Install samba on the linux server. That wayit can serve files and printers to Windows machines, with noaddicional softare needed on the Pc side. Install netatalk on thelinux, it provides appletalk file and print services to the Macs,with no additional software needed on the Mac side. If you share thesame directories, and define the extensions/ resource info for thedata files you have you can share and move the files from anyplatform at will.

Define the printers so that on the Mac youcan print to a virtualLaser withPostscript, that really is one cheap Laser or InkJet withoutPostscript. On the Linux you haveGhostscript,that makes the translation foryou,every time you print. Just print to Laserwriter 8 and the files comeouton a cheap Laserjet orDeskJet.

Downloading Mac software on aPC.

RAWRITE- actually part of Slackware Linux, but it can be used here too. It'sfree and a very small download (about 36K). (If RAWRITE won't work orgives you problems, try WinImage.)

System6.0.8 bootdisk image (900K). If yourMac needs System 7 or higher, get the 7.5Network Access Disk and use that toput a very basic OS on the Mac.

AladdinStuffit Expander for Windows - PCVersion.

Once you have everything, install StuffitExpander, unstuff the disk image to a new folder on your hard disk,and name the folder something short, like 'Mac.' Copy the RAWRITEprogram into this same folder. Rename the image file to image.img.Start your MS-DOS Prompt and type the following:

Type c: (or whatever your drive letter withthe Mac OS image file is)

  • Press Return or Enter.
  • Type cdpathtowhereyouunstuffed
  • Press Return or Enter. You should see a prompt something like this c:mac>.
  • Type rawrite
  • This will execute the RAWRITE program. You should see this:

RaWrite 1.3 - Write disk file to raw floppydiskette

Enter source file name:

  • Type image.img
  • Press Return or Enter.
  • It will then ask which drive you wish to write. Insert a blank floppy in your floppy disk drive.
  • Type a: (If your floppy is a different letter, substitute that letter.)
  • Press Return or Enter.
  • Press Return or Enter again.
  • The disk should now be written. This may take some time. It can be quite noisy on some floppy drives but this is normal.
  • If all goes well, rawrite will finish and return you to the DOS prompt.
  • Close the DOS window.
  • Remove the floppy disk from the drive.
  • Place the new bootdisk in your Mac's floppy drive and power it up. The Mac should boot from the floppy.
  • Use the Apple HD SC utility on the boot disk to re-initialise your hard disk, if present.
  • When the formatting program completes, quit it and drag the contents of the floppy onto the hard disk.
  • Open the System Folder on the HDD and then close it again to 'bless' it.
  • Go to: Special -> Restart
  • The boot disk should eject and the machine should restart from the HDD.

Just a quick note, I don't know how manypeople are aware of the fact thatyoucan make Mac system disks using a PC. Download the program'Winimage'from Tucows or wherever andthen use it to write the floppy images of 6.0.8 or 7.X available fromApple.

I've tried it with 6.0.8 and it finally letme boot my portable, and the system 7.5 also seems to work fine.Almost makes up for the iMac not having a floppy drive.

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 20:55:34+0000

From: Jay Wiese<>

Subject: Re: Advise please - catch22

> 1. I need software to get the Classicon the net - the PeeCee

> is the only online machine I have. CanI down mac software via the

> PeeCee?

Sure. I did that very thing with a win95machine to get this macine (Classic II) online.

> What do I need to to do that? What aremy best options?

I'm assuming that the Classic can read/writehigh-density floppies (1.4 meg), so the first thing you need is a wayto read PC disks. System 7.5 includes a control panel called 'PCExchange' that allows the Mac to read PC floppies as if they werenative Macintosh disks (more or less). System 7.0 and 7.1 (and, Ithink system 6) include a utility called 'Apple File Exchange' whichdoes the same thing as PC Exchange, albiet less elegantly. If forsome reason you can't find either of these pieces of software, thereis a widely available shareware utility for Windows 95 called'Transmac' that will let you read/write Mac disks on thePC.

Next, you need to make sure you downloadonly files with the extension *.hqx (Binhex). Binhex-ing is a way ofconverting Mac files to ASCII format so thay can easily be movedusing non-Mac platforms. Therefore, you need to have a utilityinstalled on your Mac that can translate binhex-ed files. I use bothBinHqx and Stuffit Lite 3.6. Of course, you will need to find yourun-binhex-ing utility in a format your Mac can already read. I gotmine from the local Macintosh user's group for free.

Incidentally, I have had trouble usingNetscape (my browser of choice) to download Mac files, even binhex-edones. The quickest solution was to use Internet Explorer for thispurpose (Microsoft, yuk!)

Finally, almost all Mac files availableonline have been compressed using the Stuffit format. Get StuffitExpander to be able to decompress downloaded files. The programitself is self-extracting, so you don't need any software touncompress it, for obvious reasons.

So, the basic procedure is:

1. download *.hqx to desktop using InternetExplorer

2. copy the file to a PC formatted floppyand read it on the Mac using

either PC Exchange or Apple FileExchange


2. copy the file to a Mac disk usingTransmac and read it on the Mac as

you would any Mac disk

3. copy the file from the floppy to the Machard drive

4. un-binhex it

5. unstuff it

Hope this helps,

Jay Wiese,

Orlando, Florida

Message Number: 4

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 22:20:35 -0500(EST)

From: Kenneth Smith<>

Subject: Re: Interesting NetworkDilemma

Since I often use a pc at work and alsodownload mac files and save them on a Novell Netware server I havelikewise encountered this problem, but there is a simple fix. You canuse ResEdit to edit the resource fork and restore the file type andcreator to its proper designation for the particuar files inquestion, but an even simpler fix is to download

*FileTyper* from<> or Cnet's Thissimple drag-n-drop program will allow you to directly edit thisportion of the resource fork and restore the file to functionality.You will need to have a good file of the same type that you aretrying to fix so that you can tell what the file type and creatorcodes are, write them down, then drop the file that needs fixing onFileTyper and input the type and creator and click the change button.The file's icon you are accustomed to seeing should appear beforeyour very eyes.

To reiterate:

1) Download FileTyper;

2) Drag and drop a good copy of the sametype of file onto FileTyper;

3) Write down the type and creator codes ofthis file;

4) Drag and drop the broken file ontoFileTyper;

5) Input the respective type and creatorcodes;

6) Click the change button.

You can even select several files of thesame type, drag and drop them all onto FileTyper, type in the typeand creator codes and click on 'change all' and all files at oncewill be changed. FileTyper is a very useful program for restoringfiles whose resource forks get garbled by pcs.

Timhiggins.comhas some great info on sharing internet connections and networking ofall kinds.
ThreeMacs and a Printer - lots ofnetworking info for Macs and PC's
Makea Mac boot disc on a PC - previouslyimpossible
PCModem On A Mac?
UsingPC Memory In Macs
NetworkingMac to Mac or PC to Mac with twomodems
MacBochs- Run Windows and DOS on your 68k Mac.
vMac -
Emulatinga Mac Plus on a PowerMac or WindozeMachine

The corruption problem appears only becauseyou're downloading mac files on a PC, not because you're moving thenon a PC Floppy. If you have to use a PC to download, never use httpdownloading if possible. Always prefer ftp. If not possible, rightclick on the link on your PC Browser and 'save as source' the fileyou're downloading, or use Getright or Go!Zilla. Sometimes thedownloaded file is clean, sometimes not. Because PC can't read theressource fork of mac files, files storing important stuff in theressource fork (like some self installers) cannot be downloaded on aPC without beeing corrupted, whereas .sit or .hqx files are usuallyOK (even .img files).

from Gavin.Haines

I have an iMac and a 4 meg Classic. Itransfer files between the two machines using Fetch. On the iMac,upload the file. On the Classic Download it.

Another way is to email files to yourself asattachments using Eudora Lite. The Fetch method has the advantagethat the file can be left at your ISP as a backup.

If you have a 030 68k Mac with a largeenough HD, another easy way is to install Cyberdog which binhexesfiles automatically. To transfer a file from one machine to theother, all you have got to do is create a new folder, put the fileinto it, and drag it to the email window and click on send. Then onthe other machine, just drag the enclosure to the DeskTop.

OpenDOC FAT install (Macbinary)

OpenDOC FAT install (Bin hex)

Old version of OpenDoc:

Cyberdog 68k Mac install:


Cyberdog PPC Mac install:

Y2K 68k and PPC

lso of interest (PPC only)

PPC, but may freeze you:

PPC or 68k

Of Interest, but may be deceased:

Other points.: Cyberdog is a bit slow tolaunch on a 68k Mac, so launch it before connecting to the Internet.You can run it on an 8 meg machine. It is all right with RAM doubler.If you are game, there is an older crashy version of Cyberdog stillavailable for download. I think there is no advantage memory wise ingetting the older version. Cyberdog 2.0 is the version to get, PPC or68k. If you have limited memory on a 68k Mac, it is possible, I havebeen told, to run Cyberdog without OpenDoc. I have never tried it,and have no idea how you might do it. If you install the Dog on aniMac, you need to hook the PPC version of 'Memory Manager' extensionof the the OpenDoc installer using Tome Viewer.

Can You Download Mac Software On A Pc

The reason for this is is that theOpenDoc installer has not been updated for the iMac, and it installsthe 68k version. 68k Macs with a PPC upgrade card need the 68kversion of Memory Manager.

I'll write a page on exactly how to do thiswith screenshots etc. if somebody will host it for me.


Download the PC version of stuffit expanderfrom


Unstuff and un 'sea' the system filesto a new folder on your hard disk

Download Winimage

Open winimage

File-> Open->

Point it at the system disk image file thatyou unstuffed. Winimage doesn't know about Mac image files so thefile list remains blank. The label box should read MAC:System. Put ina 1.44MB floppy that is free from errors

Disk-> Write

When it has finished, remove the disk andtry booting your mac from it. The disk contains Apple HD SC Setup sothat you can format your internal disk. Drag the contents of thefloppy into the freshly formatted hard disk and open, the close thesystem folder.

Special -> Restart

The disk should eject and hopefully, themachine should boot from the internal HDD. The last bit is the onlybit I haven't actually tested so somebody might want to point out anyerrors.

1.1.6 - How can I get an OS on a Mac using only myPC?

from 'thepickle's Low-End Mac FAQ'

It's reasonably common that someone gets anold used Mac and it has no operating system on it. Often, thesepeople don't have anything other than a PC to access the Internet. Aslong as your Mac is an SE FDHD or Mac IIx or higher, you can usethese directions compiled by Alex Harrington (aka 'fastkeys') to getthat Mac up and running. Due to irreconcilable physical differencesin the floppy drives of PCs and Macs, a Mac 128, 512, Plus, originalSE, or un-upgraded II cannot use this procedure.

You'll need your PC (running Win 9x or NT),some error-free 1.4MB floppies, and a good deal of patience. Downloadthe following:

  • RAWRITE - actually part of Slackware Linux, but it can be used here too. It's free and a very small download (about 36K).
  • System 6.0.8 bootdisk image (900K). If your Mac needs System 7 or higher, get the 7.5 Network Access Disk and use that to put a very basic OS on the Mac.
  • Aladdin Stuffit Expander for Windows - PC Version.

Once you have everything, install StuffitExpander, unstuff the disk image to a new folder on your hard disk,and name the folder something short, like 'Mac.' Copy the RAWRITEprogram into this same folder. Rename the image file toimage.img. Start your MS-DOS Prompt and type thefollowing:

  • Type c: (or whatever your drive letter with the Mac OS image file is)
  • Press Return or Enter.
  • Type cdpathtowhereyouunstuffed
  • Press Return or Enter. You should see a prompt something like this c:mac>.
  • Type rawrite
  • This will execute the RAWRITE program. You should see this:

RaWrite 1.3 - Write disk file to rawfloppy diskette
Enter source file name:

  • Type image.img
  • Press Return or Enter.
  • It will then ask which drive you wish to write. Insert a blank floppy in your floppy disk drive.
  • Type a: (If your floppy is a different letter, substitute that letter.)
  • Press Return or Enter.
  • Press Return or Enter again.
  • The disk should now be written. This may take some time. It can be quite noisy on some floppy drives but this is normal.
  • If all goes well, rawrite will finish and return you to the DOS prompt.
  • Close the DOS window.
  • Remove the floppy disk from the drive.
  • Place the new bootdisk in your Mac's floppy drive and power it up. The Mac should boot from the floppy.
  • Use the Apple HD SC utility on the boot disk to re-initialise your hard disk, if present.
  • When the formatting program completes, quit it and drag the contents of the floppy onto the hard disk.
  • Open the System Folder on the HDD and then close it again to 'bless' it.
  • Go to: Special -> Restart
  • The boot disk should eject and the machine should restart from the HDD.

Download Mac Software For Windows

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